“Timmy, don’t leave that for Santa!”

(Credit where credit is due — the above blog title is courtesy of Angel Joe.)

I notice there isn’t a clever description of this item.
Presumably words failed them.

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2 Responses to ““Timmy, don’t leave that for Santa!””

  1. Sandy Blair Says:

    Looking at this merry setup, words fail me, as well. Whoever came up with the concept definitely had too much time on their hands.

    Love your blog site!!

  2. Esri Rose Says:

    Hi, Sandy! There’s also a commode-decorating set where the toilet tank is made to look like a brick chimney, and the rug has two black footsteps on it, as though Santa is taking a crap on your hearth. The lid cover is red with white fur around it, which is grossly impractical in all senses of the word “gross.”

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