“Colin” video up later today!

(ADDED: It’s up! Click the Video tab at the top of the site.)

I’m in the process of copying files so Joe can have his Apple computer back for work. We worked all weekend on the vid — 15 hours just yesterday, not including meals. In the end, the live recordings of my voice were too quiet to be usable, so I wound up looping all my dialogue. Can I just say that I talk way too fast? Due to the fact that all my audio is dubbed, I look like the only English-speaker in a Hong Kong martial-arts flick, but that just adds to the humor.

UPDATE: (groan) The file that was supposed to be final has the old set of movie credits. These movie files are so huge, and required interaction with, like, three programs. iMovie hung a couple times. So now I gotta wait until Joe comes home so I can re-edit those final two pieces, export, save, yada, yada. He might be able to come back at lunch. This last bit of editing takes about 4 minutes. It’s getting the finished file off his computer, through the ether to the shared server, on to my computer, and then on to YouTube that takes time.

I think a file marker must have gone astray during one of the crashes. But I know I have the two Garage Band files I need. Must get my brain off this and on to the 2 million other things I need to do.

And I know the wrong version is only wrong by 10 seconds of video, but it’s still wrong. What if people post it on their blogs that way? I just couldn’t stand it. (shudder)

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